Aukera appoints Dr. Patrick Züchner as new Chief Investment Officer

Aukera Real Estate AG (Aukera) has appointed Dr. Patrick Züchner as a new member of the Management Board with effect from 01.04.2022. He will assume the newly created position of Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and lead Aukera together with Lars Armgart (CEO). In the position of CIO, Dr. Züchner will be responsible for new investments, […]

Aukera starts 2022 with EUR 180 million loan for Munich landmark development

After Aukera reached around EUR 1 billion capital commitments for its debt funds in December 2021, a EUR 180 million loan was granted in February 2022 to finance the development of a green office building in downtown Munich. Aukera originated around EUR 700 million of new investments in Germany, Austria and Luxembourg in the past […]

First Club Deal of Aukera Debt Funds I & II

At the end of July Aukera Real Estate AG (Aukera) issued a loan amounting to EUR 132.5 million for the refinancing of a property in Austria. This is a fully leased, top-quality property with a very good mix of tenants, in an excellent Vienna city-centre location. The borrower is one of the most active and […]

Aukera launches second real estate debt fund

PM Aukera , zweiter Fonds

Aukera Real Estate AG (Aukera) has received an initial capital commitment of EUR 66 million from a German insurer for its Aukera Real Estate Debt Fonds II, launched in July 2021. The Fonds II has a target volume of EUR 350 million, will invest in real estate debt in continental Europe, and is exclusively available […]

Aukera is sponsor of the Real Estate Debt Conference 2021

On 8/9 September 2021 Europe‘s first Real Estate Debt Conference for Institutional Investors, Managers, Banks and Services takes place at Kap Europe in Frankfurt. Aukera is one of the sponsors. Being speaker at the conference, Lars Armgart, CEO Aukera, will discuss the challenges and changes in the different parts of the capital structure together with […]

Aukera increases the fund volume of its Luxembourg debt fund to EUR 562 million

For the first time, Aukera Real Estate AG (Aukera) issued a loan of EUR 92 million in Luxembourg for the real estate debt fund it advises. The property of mixed commercial use is still under construction and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2022. In addition, another new investment has been […]

Aukera makes first investments, increasing the fund volume to 471 million euros

In the first six months of its business operations, Aukera Real Estate AG (Aukera) made two new investments totalling around 162 million euros through the credit fund it advises, increasing the fund volume to 471 million euros. In the process, the investor contributed three assets from its own portfolio to the fund with a loan […]

We have moved!

Ortsschild Essen

Last week we moved to our new offices in D-45130 Essen, Goethestrasse 89. Here you can find all updated contact details.

Florian Niebur and two new members of the Supervisory Board join the Aukera-Team

On 1st of October Florian Niebur started his new position as Investment Manager with Aukera. Together with Antje Bonnewitz and Markus Schulz, he consults borrowers with their individual investment requirements. Furthermore, at the beginning of October Markus Memmert and Prof. Dr. Markus Knüfermann have been appointed to the Supervisory Board of Aukera Real Estate AG. […]